OLD-MM3 Touchscreen Tuner with 6 shift on the fly tunes + FULL 48RE Tuning (G56 NV5600 Compatible)

OLD-MM3 Touchscreen Tuner with 6 shift on the fly tunes + FULL 48RE Tuning (G56 NV5600 Compatible)


  • MM3 Touchscreen Tuner with 6 shift on the fly custom Tunes
    For 3rd Gen 5.9 Cummins MY2003, 2003.5, 2004, 2004.5, 2005, 2005.5, 2006, 2007 only
  • All tunes include 48RE Trans Tuning
  • CAN NOT ship to California


  • Add EGT Probe? *

    MM3 & Smarty Touch Tuner EGT Probe ($135 at checkout if purchased with MM3 Package) + $150.00

    The EGT probe enables you to monitor exhaust gas temperatures (EGT). EGT is one of the main ways to determine if you are pushing your engine too hard.

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The Smarty MM3 Tuner Features:

Works on 1998.5-2019 model year Dodge Ram trucks with a 5.9 or 6.7 liter Cummins engine.

Now featuring TPMS (Tire Pressure monitoring system threshold) adjustment!
  • 4.3″ Touch Display. Resolution 480 x 272 – 16.3 million colors.
  • Two devices: MM3 Touch Display and MM3 Controller each with its own CPU. The Display for the graphics & user interface and the controller for communicating with the ECM.
  • Twin CPU design. The fastest Display & Tuner on earth!
  • Fastest display start up in the industry. Just four seconds!
  • Fastest PID refresh speed in the industry.
  • Fastest ECM download in the industry, up to three times faster than the competition, a typical ECM update takes 1.5 to 6 minutes, depending on the model year.
  • Small micro USB cable connecting the display and the controller for easy installation.
  • Micro SD card for simple and fast updates (included).
  • Fully Internet update-able. Updates are always FREE!
  • Micro SD card can store multiple UDC custom tunes.
  • Works with any Micro SD FAT file system formatted card.
  • Optional EGT sensor (Purchased Separately) reads accurately up to over 2200°F. (Purchased Separately Here)

Four dashboards, each configurable with five different gauge layouts.

  • Supported Gauges by year: http://madselectronics.com/SmartyTouchPIDS.html
  • Freely configurable gauge(s) range.
  • Two alarms (high and a low range) can be configured for each PID.
  • Audible and/or visible alarms can be configured.
  • Configured ranges are also displayed through colored bars in all digital gauges.
  • Configurable PID refresh speed.
  • Each gauge stores/updates and displays the max reached PID value continuously.
  • Recorded max values can be reset at any time.
  • Customize-able display background.
  • Adjustable sound feedback for alarms.
  • mm3-components

Every device can store up to 4 different Vins

1 license is installed, and 3 can be ordered as needed


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